Consultancy & Practice-Based Learning

Two programmes for engineering-focused SMEs and universities to work together, increase understanding and develop strategic long-term partnerships.

Student SME Consultancy

We will match 24 MA & PhD students with SMEs to conduct in-house research and 24 BA students to take up business challenge projects in the areas facilitating cluster growth.

Total Downloads: 338

Change of Perspective Programme

Exploring more strategic partnership opportunities between SMEs and academia, 6+ academics and 6+ business professionals will exchange their workplaces for a day to experience a different environment.

Total Downloads: 340

Consultancy & Perspective Programme Flyer

You can download our Consultancy & Perspective Programme Flyer PDF below:

SME Cluster Growth Magazine

Issue #4

Welcome to the fourth edition of EMPOWER, the SME Cluster Growth project magazine. Throughout this issue, we will show you the latest activities and programmes developed within the framework of the SME Cluster Growth project, as well as some examples of business growth in which we analyse the keys to their success.