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Supporting SMEs in the engineering sector to innovate and grow.

Engineering remains a dominant knowledge sector in the EU. By focusing on cross-border engineering business cluster development, we enable synergies across regions, reach international markets, adopt new technologies, and support mutual learning.

Engineering SMEs and the Higher Education community are the primary beneficiaries of this approach. While students, regional government, intermediary organisations, venture capitalists, business consultants and investors have the advantage of an outward looking engineering ecosystem 

"You cannot have an economy without engineering..."

- Calestous Juma Hon, FREng FRS

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SME Cluster Growth Magazine

Issue #4

Welcome to the fourth edition of EMPOWER, the SME Cluster Growth project magazine. Throughout this issue, we will show you the latest activities and programmes developed within the framework of the SME Cluster Growth project, as well as some examples of business growth in which we analyse the keys to their success.